
Re: Mac CL-HTTP is interesting, but is there a non-MCL version?

>Hi folks-
>   The philosophy behind Macintosh CL-HTTP is very interesting, but
>I don't have MCL ($600 is a too pricey).

The 3.0 version for individuals lists $295 and for students $135.
This not expensive and MCL is _worth_every_dollar_ (or Deutsche Mark ;-) ).

> Has CL-HTTP been ported to any shareware lisps for the Macintosh?

The only candidate would be PowerLisp. I doubt that it would work,
since it is not a full Common Lisp and hasn't threads.
Hmm, there was once a version of Procyon CL on the Mac,
which is much more expensive and not as good as MCL. I won't
recommend this one.

>   Also, the RAM requirements listed are rather large (9192K).  Is this
>due to the fact that it is not a "stand-alone" application?  If so, is
>there a "stand-alone" version?

With the "Redistribution Kit" for MCL 3.0 a runtime version could be
generated, without some of the development tools.

There are some switches for MCL where you can switch off recording

- of source files for definitions
- of documentation strings
- of definitions
- local symbols

By using this for a runtime version you can *significantly* reduce
the size of the program.

I think it is a goal for the developers to create a small runtime
version of CL-HTTP. 9192K is definitely not the last word on this.

> I only have 8 Mb RAM on my Centris, so even
>with RAM Doubler having other applications up along side CL-HTTP would be
>a burden.

True. But 8 MB memory is not enough anyway. I recommend for serious
(especially development!) work on a Mac atleast 16 MB RAM. I'm using
12 MB in PowerBook (which is not enough) and 20 MB RAM / 40 MB virtual
memory on my Mac II FX.

Greetings from Hamburg,

Rainer Joswig

Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/, Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522