
Re: Domain name probs

> From: joswig@vampire.lavielle.com (Rainer Joswig)
> Subject: Domain name probs
> Sender: owner-www-cl@ai.mit.edu
> Content-Length: 1000
> Hi,
> two questions:
> a) Multi homing
[dont know]
> b) Moving server images between machines
> How about moving CL-HTTP application images from one machine
> to another. With MCL (or maybe ACL PC) it would be quite common
> to have applications with preset objects (already exported URLs,
> ...) saved with the application's image.
> What would one have to do to get the server image running on the
> new machine without much work. Already exported URLs
> should be recomputable for the new machine without destroying
> them, etc.
With ACL UNIX we are moving images around machines using:
(load "http:examples;exports")
and reloading all other exports specific to the server
just before enabling the http services - done by a script.
I assume this would work on other platforms.

[The reloading of exports turned out to have a bit of an overhead,
however, it has been improved by a factor of 4 since, and I've
been told the remaining export loading speed lag due to DIRECTORY
will be addressed in ACL UNIX next version (4.3).]

Cheers - Olivier
> Greetings,
> Rainer
> Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
> Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
> WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/, Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522