
Re: How about a Lisp (MCL) plugin?

At 6:18 PM 11/10/95, Terje Norderhaug wrote:
>At 7:56 AM 11/9/95, Rainer Joswig wrote:
>[How about a Lisp (MCL) plugin?]
>I am working towards building a foundation for that. 

A lisp Plug-In for Netscape 2.0 is a good idea.  A single MCL image should be fine for any variety of
tasks and it needs to remain awake for long periods.  One might plug-in parts or all of

After quick perusal of the in-line plug-in specification on several occaisions,
it should be possible to take over the client and manage both the net traffic and
the display.

That means one could insert some smart programs to aid in browsing, display, and
recording state. 

I expect a CLIM-like presentation system could be slotted in as well.
An obvious thing for us would be to embed a natural language system
to scan text throughput and accept commands from users for information seeking

>The substantial memory
>requirements for such a plug-in suggest that this has to be rather powerful
>if people are going to use it. 

Well, I have to run Netscape with 8m anyway to get reasonable results, so what is another
8-10 mbs?
This can be accomplished by having the
>plug-in combine the functionality of various subordinate (MCL) plug-ins.

>Those that are interested in making client-side WWW extensions can contact
>me directly to get updated.

Please send me the update.