
Re: Applications of CL-HTTP

At 1:27 PM 11/21/95, Chris Welty wrote:
>I'm a long time LISP programmer and have accepted GC as a necessary
>evil of using the language of my preference.  My point was meant as a
>feature, not a problem.  GC is by far the most common criticism of
>LISP systems by people with  the phrase "real world" stuck in their
>heads and want you to use C.  CL-HTTP hides this "problem" from people
>and they don't even have to know it's running LISP...

Nevertheless, there are a number of ways to minimize needless consing
and improve efficiency of applications with CL-HTTP.  Have a look at the efficiency heuristics
on http://wilson.ai.mit.edu/cl-http/efficiency.html  Any suggestions for improvement
would be appreciated.
