
Re: Info: Intercon's InterServer for the Mac

>Another competitor, maybe more serious:: ParcPlace/Digitalk just
>announced VisualWave, which (I gather) is a version of their Smalltalk
>environment that integrates with web servers and comes with a set of
>appropriate classes.
>  http://www.parcplace.com

Sounds interesting! But look at the price tag (from

  $4,995 for the development environment

  $9,995 for the server

Ooops! This is hefty!

See also http://www.parcplace.com/marketing/whatsnew/data.html
for some infos about the "server". Does VisualWave need
an external (!) server? Looks like.

Quasar Knowledge Systems seems to have something called
"CyberAgents" (http://www.qks.com/PRODUCTS/cyber.html).
But they won't show any details. ;-)

Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/, Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522