
CL-HTTP 58.3a Available

58.3a version of CL-HTTP available on the FTP site.


The main addition is new alphatest port to Lucid Common Lisp by Gertjan
Kersten (gertjan@aie.nl).  Gertjan would appreciate the community's help
testing out this port and fixing any bugs that crop up.

Otherwise, this release contains a number of bug fixes and performance
improvements and the following more significant Features.

	* JavaScript Emission: HTML generation macros incorporate
	client-side events.  Events are handled by client-side code.
	ns2.0:define-script provides a facility for encapsulating mobile
	code and emitting it from lisp during HTML generation with
	html:with-event-handlers, html:accept-input, and the simplified

	* Databased Users & Groups: The modularization of the
	authentication classes and methods was adjusted so that users
	and groups in specific realms could be stored in an object
	database. The API is available on request.

A security bug in search URLs is patched in 58.2 This would allow people
to access a parameterized search URL "http://host.com/search?xyz"
whenever no default IP security was selected because new instances of
search URLs did not inherit the security properties of their parent,
"http://host.com/search?".  The fix inherits the parent properties on
creation of the parameterized instance.

We will be interested to see what people think about encapsulation of
mobile code.  Our project has used it to emit some input validation
scripts, but it should be general enough to allow fairly substantial
sharing of mobile code and lisp interfaces to it.  If there is interest,
we can set up a library of useful JavaScript and Java (or whatever) to
make it easier to manage the client-side interfaces.