
understanding the http / tcp/ip relation

As I read over the various documents from cl-http and from
the W3 people, e.g., the HTTP/1.1 doc 11/95, there's still
a gap in my understanding.  I've looked some at Comer's
TCP/IP book (V1, 3rd ed, 1995), and I'm willing to read
most of it if it will help me understand http better.

What I do not yet see is some description of the ideas
and procedures that glue together TCP/IP and HTTP. 
I seem to have all the documents I need to understand them
separately.  Does anyone out there have some suggestions
about material for me to read to bring my quest to closure?

The truth is out there.  I'm just having trouble finding it.

  Bob Futrelle
Prof. Robert P. Futrelle  |  Biological Knowledge Laboratory
                          |  College of Computer Science  161CN
Office: (617)-373-2076    |  Northeastern University
Fax:    (617)-373-5121    |  360 Huntington Ave.
futrelle@ccs.neu.edu      |  Boston, MA 02115