
Re: Creating applets, accessing knowledge bases

At 5:13 PM 1996-07-19, Brian McGiverin wrote:
>I have briefy skimmed the web documentation on CL-HTTP and want
> to get some specific answers (before I unzip and compile it only
> to find out it won't do what I want).

This is lisp; you can always do what you want.

>  1. Can a server running CL-HTTP show Java applets?

If show=serve, the answer is yes.
>  Then,
>  2. The applet I have in mind will have a GUI and perform queries
>        on a LISP knowledge base (currently using Allegro CL and
>        LOOM).  Does CL-HTTP make this easier or harder?

The Loom developers seem to think CL-HTTP makes web queries on
a kb easier.  In general, working with a high-level abstraction-oriented
programming language like Common LIsp makes everything easier and
productivity higher, which is why it is used for complex systems in
artificial intelligence.