
CL-HTTP with multiple host domain names

We are setting up a larger Mac web site with CL-HTTP that use the
application "HomeDoor" to create the impression of having multiple domains
on one server. Unfortunately, it appears as if CL-HTTP expect that the
domain name of a request is the same as the one configured as local host
domain name. If not, it creates an error report such as "Array index 28 out
of bounds for "http://......" This also occurs when using the IP number
instead of the host name in the URL to access the server, included with no

Has anybody got a recent CL-HTTP for Mac to work with multiple host domain
names? How?

[We are currently using CL-HTTP 60.11 with MCL 3.9 (PPC) on an UMAX 150 Mhz
with System 7.5 and 80Mb RAM, of which 50 are used with CL-HTTP. The limit
with one host name and no ip number in URLs seems to be consistent under
various conditions, included using MCL 3.0]

-- Terje <Terje@in-Progress.com>
   Media Design in-Progress

   Make your Web Site a Social Place with Interaction!
