
CL-HTTP 60.57

This is a minor release with a couple of patches.

The Mac port, however, has a substantial number of improvements, including
compatibility for the new MCL release 4.0 PPC, and 3.1 68K -- which should be
generally available this coming week.

If you are running CL-HTTP after 58.12, we recommend that you upgrade for best
results. A number of patches have gone in to improve HTTP 1.1 operation and
interoperation with legacy (i.e., 1.0) clients and proxies.

If you have a public server or an interesting story about your use of of
CL-HTTP please let us know.  Selected applications will be listed on the home
page. At a minimum, it would be interesting for many other users to here what
others are doing.  This can help the entire community move forward.

We would like to see more discussion about what kinds of features and
facilities should be supported by the server and the web walker. Please feel
free to make suggestions on www-cl.