
Re: can't start CL-HTTP


>i've come up against the same problem as this gentleman.
>i never saw a further exchange between you two, so i'm prompted to ask directly
>if there is a simple answer.
>i my case, i'm trying to use it standalone, without any network at all...

This is very simple. Do you have Ethernet? If yes, that's
fine. Configure your TCP/IP to use manual addressing.
Then load CL-HTTP. Change the configuration.lisp
file in the examples directory:

;; Controls whether IP addresses are resolved in all contexts other than
;; logging.
(setq *resolve-ip-addresses* nil)  ;; turn it off (rj)

;; Controls whether host names are DNS resolved and connonicalized on
;; the primary DNS name for the host when the URL is interned. Choices
;; are :always, :preferred, :never. Relevant when *resolve-ip-addresses*
;; is non-null.
(setq url:*url-host-name-resolution* :never)  ;; turn it off (rj)

Then make sure mactcp does not try to resolve names:

(setq ccl::*use-resolver* nil)

Then load the the internet startup configuration.
This works for me on my PowerBook 5300c with
PC-Card Ethernet.

Thanks to John's changes I can use CL-HTTP quite reliably on
my PowerBook together with Netscape. It worked nicely
today at demo for someone from a big german Mac distributor. ;-)
Btw., when can I use CL-HTTP on Windows NT 4.0 (Franz or Harlequin
are you listening?)?

Btw.: you might look in my MCL contributions directory of CL-HTTP,
there is a primitive CL-HTTP menu for MCL you can customize for
your needs. I already have hacked some different preference
dialog stuff, but have not had time to bring it into release shape.

In my file that constructs my lisp image with CL-HTTP I'm doing
something like:

(defun ccl::load-file-for-extension (file &key (compile-if-needed-p t) (process-p nil))
  (flet ((load-file-1 ()                  
           (let ((lisp-file (make-pathname :defaults file :type "lisp"))
                 (compiled-file (make-pathname :defaults file :type "pfsl")))
             (when (and (or (not (probe-file compiled-file))
                            (let ((compiled-date (file-write-date compiled-file))
                                  (lisp-date (file-write-date lisp-file)))
                              (and compiled-date lisp-date
                                   (< compiled-date lisp-date))))
                        (probe-file lisp-file)
               (format t "~%; Compiling file ~a to ~a" lisp-file compiled-file)
               (compile-file lisp-file :output-file compiled-file)))
           (format t "~%; Loading file: ~a" file)
           (load file)
           (print (package-use-list (find-package "CL")))))
    (if process-p
      (process-run-function (format nil "loading ~a" (pathname-name file))

(ccl::load-file-for-extension (truename "ccl:lisp-software;cl-http-60-32;mac-sysdcl.lisp"))
(ccl::load-file-for-extension "ccl:lisp-software;my-cl-http;cl-http-patches")
  ;; client code.
  "http:http;mac-sysdcl-client"                 ; Load basic client
  "http:w4;package"                             ; Package Definition
  "http:w4;variables"                           ; Variables
  "http:w4;utils"                               ; Utility functions and macros
  "http:w4;class"                               ; Class definitions and Print methods
  "http:w4;walker"                              ; Main Walker code
  "http:w4;constraints"                         ; Constraint Definitions
  "http:w4;actions"                             ; Action definitions
  "http:w4;activity")                           ; Activity definitions

  "http:examples;configuration"                 ; Standard configuration
  "http:examples;exports"                       ; Standard examples
  "http:w4;examples;exports"			; Basic examples
  "http:w4;examples;search"			; Salton style search example.
  "http:w4;examples;web-archive")		; Web Whacker
(pushnew :cl-http-client *features*)

; if you have defined the above feature there will be two new
; items in the menu we are going to load below. ;-)

(ccl::load-file-for-extension "http:mac;contrib;rjoswig;cl-http-menu")
(cl-http-menu:add-system '*W4-WEB-WALKER* "W4 Web Walker")
(cl-http-menu:add-system '*w4-web-walker-demo* "W4 Web Walker Demo")

;The above let's you edit, load and compile these two systems with
;the menu interface.

(ccl::load-file-for-extension "Interactive:Lavielle:als-site:pages:lisp:mac-sysdcl.lisp")
(ccl::load-file-for-extension "Interactive:Lavielle:als-site:als:lisp:mac-sysdcl.lisp")
(cl-http-menu:add-system '*WWW-PAGES* "WWW Pages")
(cl-http-menu:add-system '*ALS* "ALS Site")

; The above is some stuff I have written.

(ccl::load-file-for-extension "http:mac;utilities;netscape")
(ccl::load-file-for-extension "http:mac;contrib;rjoswig;hyperspec;ansi-doc")

These last two files let's you access the ANSI Docs with MCL and a browser
(on- or offline). Read the source for details.


Rainer Joswig

Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2b, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 658088, Fax: +49 40 65808-202,
Email: joswig@lavielle.com , WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/