

 |From: "Harper, Michael L." <Michael.Harper@alcoa.com>
 |To: "'Conrad Bookout'" <conrad@infotank.com>,
 |        "'Paul F. Werkowski'"
 |	 <pw@snoopy.mv.com>
 |Cc: "'www-cl@ai.mit.edu'" <www-cl@ai.mit.edu>
 |Subject: RE: CMU-CL-HTTP 
 |Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 16:09:39 -0500
 |X-Mailer:  Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Connector Version 4.0.994.57
 |Encoding: 78 TEXT
 |I have two items to mention. If you are running on x86 Linux, Franz
 |plans to release a free port of its current ACL 4.3 system for
 |non-commercial Linux use next month.
 |Second, to Mr. Werkowski, what are you referring to in your last
 |>paragraph below when you say "There is also the misuse of the values
 |declaration throughout which causes Python problems."????
 |Mike Harper

Sorry, If I was aware my reply was going to the list I would
have phrased that differently. This issue has been brought up
(by me) before.

>From a CMUCL-centric point of view, a values declaration wants
to have the TYPE of return values mentioned in the declaration
list, eg (declare (values list float foo)). The values declaration
used by CL-HTTP implementors seems to follow another drummer
which seems to put variable names instead of TYPES. This causes
CMUCL's type-aware Python compiler to bitch like hell.

Outside of changing all the source code, a CMUCL port
needs to put something like this in the sysdecl file.

#+cmu17 ;; Don't warn about botched values decls
(setf c:*suppress-values-declaration* t)

which stops the complaints. This is OK I guess since the
values variable-name declarations are (in my view) meaningless

