
Unknown status reply from server: 3!

After upgrading von MCL 3.0 + CL-HTTP 58.12 to MCL 3.1 + CL-HTTP 60.57
we can not access our exported computed pages any more.

Netscape claims about "Unknown status reply from server: 3!"

We use Cl-HTTP on a Centris 650 with System 7.5.5 and OT 1.1.1!

The Client is the Netscape Browser 3.0 for Mac.

Maybe there is a problem with the expiration?!?!

All examples work, only our "old" examples won«t work!

Hope you can help me, Christoph

Christoph Oechslein                                   09367/7477
Untere Weinbergstr. 20                                97273 Kuernach
