
Re: Epirations

A typo slipped into my last mail (I was trying :interval with one not 2 l)!

Although I don't get an error message from Netscape (3.0.1), I do have a 
problem with expiration. It seems that I simply cannot transmit any expi-
ration date. Netscape always say "No date given". The export statement is
as follows:

(export-url #U"/elm-art/server_state?"
            :response-function #'report-server-state
            :keywords '(:elm-art :state-report)
            :cache-control :no-cache
            :expiration '(:interval 30)
            :documentation "ELM-ART server state report.")

I want an expiration after 30 s. I've tried numerous variations including 
:time and encode-universal-time

Hope, someone will help me.



p.s. I'm also using CL-HTTP 60.57

Frank Steinle                        Email: steinle@cogpsy.uni-trier.de
Univ. Trier                                        
FB I - Psychologie (D 410)                   Phone: +49-(0)651-201-2963
D-54286 Trier                                Fax:   +49-(0)651-201-2955