
Re: MCL CGI Shell

At 2:11 PM 1/7/97, John C. Mallery wrote:
>Consequently, support relies on the good will of the more
>experienced users -- and I believe some of the most talented
>programmers are in this community.
>A key ingredient for beginning users is some faqs that document
>how to avoid pitfalls getting started.
>A further key ingredient is targeted documentation.  If we know where
>people are having problems (we don't ever have problems for long),
>then the issues can be addresses.

Well, this is the point where the community of CL-HTTP users could help the
developers. A FAQ would be good. But with such a cool tool as CL-HTTP we
could do something better. If you have seen CL-HTTP "applications" section
with references to several real systems you may notice our InterBook system
which is a shell for developing adaptive Web-based courses. It is used now
in CMU and UTS. A course produced with InterBook offers a number of nice
things such as intelligent help, adaptive navigation support, or concept
based navigation.
So, if there anyone who would volonteer to make a CL-HTTP tutorial, we
would be happy to provide any assistance with using InterBook. In fact, it
could be a solid student research work.


Dr. Peter Brusilovsky <plb@cs.cmu.edu>
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Phone 412 268 56 84
Fax   412 268 55 76
WWW   http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~plb/home.html