

The IP-ADDRESS-STRING method currently in http:acl;server;tcp-stream
is written for efficiency on 32 bit UNIX ports
using C foreign calls. If it does not work on your
setup you can look at other ports that have more
general albeit inefficient solutions.

For example:
http:lw;server;tcp-stream.lisp uses:

(defun ip-address-string (address)
  (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D"
          (ldb (byte 8 24) address)
          (ldb (byte 8 16) address)
          (ldb (byte 8 8)  address)
          (ldb (byte 8 0)  address)))

What is a feature that characterizes the proper SGI
setup? :SGI or :SGI-64??

(pprint *features*) ; please

And if you don't report to the bug list what works
for you it won't make it into the next release...

Follow-Ups: References: