
Re: CL-HTTP on the 9600

At 5:22 PM -0500 3/6/97, Rainer Joswig wrote:

>Have you tried running CL-HTTP on OpenTransport? I mean MCL driving
>OT native - not the MacTCP interface? If not, ask Digitool
>about a test drive.

Not sure what you mean.  I'm running CL-HTTP now with OT 1.1.2.  If by
mactcp you mean the pre-opentransport TCP interface then, no, I haven't
been using that for a while.

Christopher A. Welty               http://www.cs.vassar.edu/faculty/welty/
Vassar College Computer Science Dept.                Voice: (914) 437-5992
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0462                            Fax: (914) 437-7498

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