Submission Details
Authors should submit 4 copies of their manuscript to:
c/o Eric Grimson
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
545 Technology Square
Cambridge MA 02139
The length and format specifications for the initial submission have
been relaxed somewhat. You may utilize any reasonably readable
format, with the maximum length depending on the main text font size
as follows:
10 point main text font : maximum length 8 pages
11 point main text font : maximum length 10 pages
12 point main text font : maximum length 12 pages
The proceedings are probably going to be produced in the computer
science lecture notes series by Springer Verlag, and formatting
instructions, including templates in MS Word and in Latex are are
available from
Springer Verlag Author Instructions
However *note* the following two points:
The initial submissions should be sent to the address listed
above, NOT to Springer Verlag.
Also note
that use of the Springer formats is *not* required for the
initial submission.
Contrary to earlier information, we are not providing for electronic
submission of the initial manuscripts; please send 4 copies to the
address listed above.
Key dates:
Submission of manuscripts March 3, 1998
Notification of acceptance June 9, 1998
Receipt of camera ready copy July 21, 1998
Conference starts October 10, 1998