;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;; GRAMMAR DATA FILE ; Name: SENT1 Type: SENTENCES (add-rule-set 'SENT1 'SENTENCES) (add-rule-list 'SENT1 '((Poirot solved the case) (The detectives lost their guns) (Poirot thought) (Poirot sent the solution to the police) (Poirot believed the detectives were incompetent) (Poirot believed that the detectives were incompetent))) ; Name: CFG1NEW Type: CFG (add-rule-set 'CFGNEW1 'CFG) (add-rule-list 'CFGNEW1 '((ROOT ==> S) (S ==> NP VP) (VP ==> V0) (VP ==> V1 NP) (VP ==> V2 NP PP) (VP ==> VS SBAR) (PP ==> P PP) (PP ==> P NP) (NP ==> DET N) (NP ==> NP*) (NP ==> ADJ) (SBAR ==> COMP S) (SBAR ==> S) )) ; Name: DICT1 Type: DICTIONARY (add-rule-set 'DICT1 'DICTIONARY) (add-rule-list 'DICT1 '( (INTO P) (ABOVE P) (TO P) (IN P) (UP P) (OF P) (FROM P) (THE DET) (AN DET) (A DET) (THEIR DET) (WALK N) (TALK N) (SHOT N) (GIRL N) (BOY N) (CAR N) (HOUSE N) (STORE N) (STREET N) (TREE N) (WOMAN N) (MAN N) (CAT N) (DOG N) (CASE N) (GUN N) (GUNS N) (SOLUTION N) (POLICE N) (DETECTIVES N) (WORCESTER NP*) (POIROT NP*) (TIMBUCTOU NP*) (ISTANBUL NP*) (INCOMPETENT ADJ) (THAT COMP) (THOUGHT V0) (SENT V2) (LOST V1) (SOLVED V1) (WERE V1) (BELIEVED VS) ))