> (p '(Poirot solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((V1) SOLVED) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE)))))) > (p '(The detectives lost their guns)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) DETECTIVES)) (VP ((V1) LOST) (NP ((DET) THEIR) ((N) GUNS)))))) > (p '(Poirot thought)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((V0) THOUGHT))))) > (p '(Poirot sent the solution to the police)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((V2) SENT) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) SOLUTION)) (PP ((P) TO) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) POLICE))))))) > (p '(Poirot believed the detectives were incompetent)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((VS) BELIEVED) (SBAR (S (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) DETECTIVES)) (VP ((V1) WERE) (NP ((ADJ) INCOMPETENT))))))))) > (p '(Poirot believed that the detectives were incompetent)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((VS) BELIEVED) (SBAR ((COMP) THAT) (S (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) DETECTIVES)) (VP ((V1) WERE) (NP ((ADJ) INCOMPETENT))))))))) > (p '(Poirot solved)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot thought the gun)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot sent to the police)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL