;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;; GRAMMAR DATA FILE ; Name: SENT1 Type: SENTENCES (add-rule-set 'SENT1 'SENTENCES) (add-rule-list 'SENT1 '((Poirot solved the case) (The detectives lost their guns) (Poirot thought) (Poirot sent the solution to the police) (Poirot believed the detectives were incompetent) (Poirot believed that the detectives were incompetent))) ; Name: CFG2NEW Type: CFG (add-rule-set 'CFGNEW2 'CFG) (add-rule-list 'CFGNEW2 '((ROOT ==> S) (S ==> NP VP) ; regular verb phrases (VP ==> VPD) (VP ==> VPP) ; verb phrases with helper verbs (VP ==> HG VPG) ; is (gerund) (VP ==> HD VPD) ; has (past) (VP ==> HD HDG VPG) ; has been (gerund) (VP ==> HC VPP) ; conditional: may (present) (VP ==> HC HCP VPD) ; conditional past: may have (past) (VP ==> HC HCG VPG) ; conditional gerund: may be (gerund) (VP ==> HC HCP HDG VPG) ; conditional past gerund: may have been (gerund) ; past tense (VPD ==> VD0) (VPD ==> VD1 NP) (VPD ==> VD2 NP PP) (VPD ==> VDS SBAR) ; present tense (VPP ==> VP0) (VPP ==> VP1 NP) (VPP ==> VP2 NP PP) (VPP ==> VPS SBAR) ; gerund form (VPG ==> VG0) (VPG ==> VG1 NP) (VPG ==> VG2 NP PP) (VPG ==> VGS SBAR) (PP ==> P PP) (PP ==> P NP) (NP ==> DET N) (NP ==> NP*) (NP ==> ADJ) (SBAR ==> COMP S) (SBAR ==> S) )) ; Name: DICT1 Type: DICTIONARY (add-rule-set 'DICT1 'DICTIONARY) (add-rule-list 'DICT1 '( (INTO P) (ABOVE P) (TO P) (IN P) (UP P) (OF P) (FROM P) (THE DET) (AN DET) (A DET) (THEIR DET) (WALK N) (TALK N) (SHOT N) (GIRL N) (BOY N) (CAR N) (HOUSE N) (STORE N) (STREET N) (TREE N) (WOMAN N) (MAN N) (CAT N) (DOG N) (CASE N) (GUN N) (GUNS N) (SOLUTION N) (POLICE N) (DETECTIVES N) (WORCESTER NP*) (POIROT NP*) (TIMBUCTOU NP*) (ISTANBUL NP*) (INCOMPETENT ADJ) (THAT COMP) (HAS HD) (IS HG) (BEEN HDG) (MAY HC) (HAVE HCP) (BE HCG) (THINK VP0) (THOUGHT VD0) (THINKING VG0) (LOSE VP1) (LOST VD1) (LOSING VG1) (SOLVE VP1) (SOLVED VD1) (SOLVING VG1) (ARE VP1) (WERE VD1) (SEND VP2) (SENT VD2) (SENDING VG2) (BELIEVE VPS) (BELIEVED VDS) (BELIEVING VDS) ))