> (p '(Poirot may solve the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HC) MAY) (VPP ((VP1) SOLVE) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot has solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HD) HAS) (VPD ((VD1) SOLVED) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot may have solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HC) MAY) ((HCP) HAVE) (VPD ((VD1) SOLVED) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot is solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HG) IS) (VPG ((VG1) SOLVING) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot may be solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HC) MAY) ((HCG) BE) (VPG ((VG1) SOLVING) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot may have been solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HC) MAY) ((HCP) HAVE) ((HDG) BEEN) (VPG ((VG1) SOLVING) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot has been solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval ((ROOT (S (NP ((NP*) POIROT)) (VP ((HD) HAS) ((HDG) BEEN) (VPG ((VG1) SOLVING) (NP ((DET) THE) ((N) CASE))))))) > (p '(Poirot may solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot has solve the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot have may solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot is solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot may have solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot may be have solved the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL > (p '(Poirot has solving the case)) Done CFG Parse. Done Parse Retrieval NIL