On line 129 the tag for the word The was NNP instead of DT
The correct sentence tagging is: [ The/DT occasion/NN ]
The output sentence tagging was: The_NNP Century_NNP ]]

On line 390 the tag for the word Viennese was NNP instead of JJ
The correct sentence tagging is: [ Viennese/JJ musicians/NNS ]
The output sentence tagging was: [[ Viennese_NNP musicians_NNS ]]

On line 393 the tag for the word shading was NN instead of VBG
The correct sentence tagging is: shading/VBG throughout/IN ./.
The output sentence tagging was: shading_NN ]] throughout_RB ._.

On line 393 the tag for the word throughout was RB instead of IN
The correct sentence tagging is: shading/VBG throughout/IN ./.
The output sentence tagging was: shading_NN ]] throughout_RB ._.

On line 399 the tag for the word as was IN instead of RB
The correct sentence tagging is: as/RB finicky/JJ ,/, however/RB ./.
The output sentence tagging was: as_IN finicky_JJ ,_, however_RB ._.
Premature end of POS