Event commissioners! We need you to create web pages for your events!

To create a web page, create a directory for your event under

Make sure that your event page is called index.html, explains everything about your event, and gets everyone really excited to play.

Once you're happy with your page, create a file called "info" in your event's directory. Your event won't show up on the event schedule until you have an info file. The contents of the info file should look like this:

NAME: Trivial Pursuit
DATE: 1/21/2000
TIME: 6pm
PLACE: 7th floor playroom
COMMISH: Eric Grimson <welg@ai.mit.edu>
If you don't know your place and time, put something like
PLACE: Place tbd
in the file, or don't include PLACE and TIME lines. If you don't have a date, make one up, and we'll change it later (you do need a DATE line, or the event won't show up). The Olympics runs from 1/21/2000 through 1/29/2000.

Also, if you want an image to show up for your event on the Event schedule, create a 160x100 jpeg and save it as "image.jpg" in your event directory.


When your event is over, please enter the final scoring on the web site. You do this by adding a SCORE: line to your info file, and optionally creating a results.html file in your event directory with a final writup.

The scoring line for the Trivial Pursuit event looks like this:
SCORE: Bodies / Donalds / Sounds / Cannons

If the Donalds and the Sounds had tied, the score line would have looked like this:
SCORE: Bodies / Donalds Sounds / Cannons

The main olympics page will take care of tallying the score.


Web page hints

We're using the Comic Sans MS font for these pages. If you'd like to follow along, make sure you have this tag in your web page: <font face="Comic Sans MS"> ... </font>

We're also using plain white backgrounds (<body bgcolor=#ffffff>)

Some standard images are in ../../images/ (relative to your event web page). In particular, if you'd like to bring people back to the main Olympics page, use this html:

<a href="../../index.cgi"><img src="../../images/homesm.jpg" border=0></a>