Like all world-class olympic games, the AI Olympics is selling out, and it is up to you, the athlete, to do the selling.

This year's video production event requires each team to create a 60-second television commercial. Each commercial must fit into a genre randomly chosen during the Info Session to be held on Friday, January 26, before the Know-Thy-Coworker event. Judging will be based on technical and aesthetic criteria. As always, team participation will count!

Off They Go!

Each team has selected the content criteria for their commericials:

Team Genre Vegetable Quote
Japan toy carrot "Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous!"
Italy clothing/perfume/fashion acorn squash "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
France home appliance or consumer electronics potato "The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last."
China sports event tomato "Where is fancy bred, in the heart or in the head?"

The complete Scoring Criteria Page explains how this event will be judged.

Before you shoot any video, you might want to check out a little list of helpful tips which I prepared.

Dates to Remember

  • Friday, January 23, 6pm: Info session
    At least one member of your team must be present to roll the dice and find out what kind of commercial to make! The actual topics and rules will be revealed here.
  • Thursday, February 1, 2pm: Videos DUE!
    The finished product is due, in my hands, by 2pm.
  • Thursday, February 1, ?pm: Judging and Public Display

Any Questions?

If you are polite, maddog will eventually answer them.