Iron Chef 2001

Photo Scavenger Hunt


  1. As a warm-up, imitate the Beatles crossing a crosswalk for a dozen points.

  2. Those couches in the Baker library sure look comfortable. Take a picture of your team taking a nap under the big dome (no, not on top of it) for twelve points.

  3. Ever since you were a kid you were waiting for this one: on board a fire engine for 24 points.

  4. For an easy two dozen points, take your team juggling for passers by. Yes. Everybody must (at least try) to juggle something (or convincingly pretend to be doing so). Bonus point for each appreciating passer-by.

  5. Find a pink caddilac for 36 points.
  6. We know all of you like to play hockey, but have you ever ridden the zamboni ? Take a ride on it for 36 points.

  7. For 36 points, lets see you inside Akamai’s world control center. We want maps with lots of flashing lights in the background…

  8. Employees must always wash hands before returning to work. But usually only in English and Spanish. Take a picture in an actual resturant (or similar) washroom with a sign instructing to wash hands in some other language for 36 points (24*2^(-i) bonus points for the ith extra languages).

  9. There must be an issue you feel strongly about. Get a picture protesting this issue (in a public place suitable for protest, with picket signs and all) for 48 points. Double the points if you get press coverage.

  10. Ever wondered how life looks from the other side of the pad-thai ? Take a picture of your team inside a food truck for 48 points. (If not everybody fits in, you are allowed to overflow outside).

  11. Or from the other side of a T token ? Inside a token both or the drivers cabin of the train is worth 48 points (again, overflowing is allowed).

  12. I keep hearing about buildings with no thirteenth floor. For 60 points, prove to me they exist by showing your team inside an elevator lacking the thirteenth floor

  13. Where do the Public Garden Swan Boats go in Winter ? For 72 points, find one, and bring me a picture of you with it.

  14. Want to make headlines in The Tech ? Having your team handcuffed by the MIT Campus Police is worth 72 points (partial credit for otherwise being held by CPs).

  15. Special Iron Chef treasure: serving a meal in a fancy resturant will win you up to 96 points. Downgrade the fanciness for less points, down to a third of the points for fast food, or two thirds for a dinner.

  16. Renew your acquaintance with elected officials and have them high-five your team (NBA style). The higher the official, the higher the points. US Senators (I can imagine Ted high fiving…) or Governor for 240 points, Mayor of Boston for 120 points, US representatives for 96 points, other Mayors or MA representatives for 72 points, city council members 60 points, UA, GSC or US president 24 points (others negotiable).

Additional treasures might be added at a later date.


Remember: nothing illegal. You should kindly request permission where appropriate, and don’t really get arrested by the campus police.