Team A

Captain: Jim Goodman

David Beymer (

Can defeat combined force of all Mighty Morphin
Power Rangers

rebecca Bisbee (

Have been known to have pleasant conversations with the EECS department.

Joanna Bryson (

beatles trivia

Fred Chong (

jump spinning outside-in crescent kick

Lillian Chong (

David "Pablo" Cohn (

not needing to sleep!

Bill Dally (

the ability to function normally without sleep

Ian Eslick (

No sugar can pass before my eyes without
instant consumption - this is a useful talent
when being chased by the Stay Puff Marshmellow

Cynthia Ferrell (


Michael Frank (


Lisa Freedman (

Jim Goodman (

The stench of my super-hockey-uniform can stop
evil-doers in their tracks (as well as any other 
creature possessing a sense of smell)

Matthew Grein (

x-ray vision

John Guttag (

I am a ferocious competitor -- particularly on
the basketball and tennis courts.

Robert Irie (

Able to grow a full length beard in two days

Steve Keckler (

fast footspeed (like the Flash)

Marie Lamb (

Stronger than the Xerox copier, faster than
the 8th floor fax, able to leap over 'Tute
bureaucracy in a single bound--I am...

Super Assistant!!

Yezdi Lashkari (

good sense of humour

Rich Lethin (

Ability to walk into walls and see tall buildings.

Jan-Willem Maessen (

I have the ability to unleash thousands of smallish earwigs into the face of any unsuspecting functional program who might assail me.  But, of course, functional programs are a lazy bunch...

Carl Manning (


Yoky Matsuoka (

J.P. Mellor (

I can fly!!!

Mark Nahabedian (

Able to work with JCMa.

Benjamin Renaud (

I can absorb any super-hero's power at will and

Robert Ringrose (

*Zap* your RSI is cured forever.

Nicholas Shectman (

absolute direction.

or do you mean something more exciting?  hm.  how
about the standard TFOS power, 

SpraX (

Undefeated in my 2 previous AI Olympics!

Martin Szummer (

I am a neutrino fast squash player!

Deborah Wallach (


bruce walton (

spacing out

Mike Wessler (

Pilsbury chocalate chip cookie dough (raw) eating,
on a volume to body weight ratio.  Ain't no one
can beat that!

Matt Williamson (

My personal superhero power is to:
bullshit at will, and sleep anywhere.

Carl Witty (

I have a psychic connection to an alternate 
universe, where the laws of physics are such that
infinitely fast computation is possible.  (Also,
computations can have infinite subcomputations.)
Thus, I can instantly compute the answer to any
problem in the arithmetic hierarchy.

Rebecca Xiong (