The 1996
Chairiot Race
Monday, Jan. 29
7AI Playroom

So what if the ancient Greeks didn't have five-legged castor-tipped padded-backed ergonomic office chairs? Hey, get with the times!

The format for this year's race has changed once again. In the past, we've had the Long Jump and the Relay Race. The Shotput has been taken. It must be time for the

Office Chair Super-G Slalom

You guessed it. Downhill it ain't, but we're sure to have all the excitement and rocketing speed of the slopes packed into the cozy warmth of the AI Lab playroom.

The Rules

(We know you love 'em)

Good luck folks! The commisioner wishes you good health and safe rolling.

Once again, we need helmets and the acquisition of several traffic cones. If you know of the whereabouts of any of these, please contact the commish.