The 1996
Chairiot Race
Monday, Jan. 29
7AI Playroom
So what if the ancient Greeks didn't have five-legged castor-tipped
padded-backed ergonomic office chairs? Hey, get with the times!
The format for this year's race has changed once again. In the past,
we've had the Long Jump and the Relay Race. The Shotput has been taken.
It must be time for the
Office Chair Super-G Slalom
You guessed it. Downhill it ain't, but we're sure to have all the excitement
and rocketing speed of the slopes packed into the cozy warmth of the AI Lab
The Rules
(We know you love 'em)
- Two players will race simultaneously against the clock.
- Traffic cones will be carefully placed at marked spots on the floor at
the beginning of each race.
- Each competitor must have his or her rear firmly planted in the seat of
the chair at all times. Locomotion may be provided in any manner (with the
exception of other people) so long as this rule is observed.
- If the chair tips over, the competitor must right the chair and sit back
down in it before continuing.
- The chair must maneuver around (not over) each of the cones. If
a cone falls over, it must be left in that position through the rest of the
- A race consists of one lap from the starting line, around the outside
of the cones, completely around the end cone one and one-half revolutions, and
back around the cones to the starting line again.
- Competitors will race twice. Their final time will be the
cumulative time of the two races.
- Unless he comes to his senses, the commisioner is considering using the
miniature golf algorithm to compute final team scores.
- A possible map of the race is shown below.
- The chairs will be selected by the commish, and will hopefully be of the
same five-legged variety we've used in the past few years. They will
not be the chairs pictured above.
- Helmets are required.
Good luck folks! The commisioner
wishes you good health and safe rolling.
Once again, we need helmets and the acquisition of several
traffic cones. If you know of the whereabouts of any of these, please
contact the commish.