Robo Sockey!

To use the applet below, select two teams from the popup lists and click the start button. The playing field will appear, and the two teams will go at it for 2 simulated 5-minute halves. You can cancel the run by closing the playing field window.

You must have Java 1.1 to run. Currently, this means you'll need to be on a Windows or Mac machine running Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher in order to see the program on the web page.

If you've downloaded Sun's JDK1.1, then you can use appletviewer to view the applet:
% appletviewer


For a good game, try Wonder.Nipples vs. Hulk.Fumblers
Note how the Nipples kick the ball by spinning up and approaching at a tangent. The Nipples' goalie is also able to kick the ball away pretty efficiently if it comes near. The Fumblers appear to be able to pass and handle the ball much better than most of the other teams.

Want to write your own team?
Here's how!