Starting code for your Sockey player

If you are a member of the Supers, writing a sockey player called "Forward" on a team called "MyTeam", then here is the starting code you'll need:

package Super.MyTeam;

import sockey.SoccerClient;
import java.awt.Point;

public class Forward extends SoccerClient

    // put your object variables here (these are just examples):
    int count= 0;
    static final int LEFT= 0;    // these are example constants.
    static final int RIGHT= 1;   // "final" means the value can't change.

    public void step() {
      // your player code goes here!


If you leave out everything that is indented above (between the outermost braces), you get a perfectly functional placebo that follows all the rules. Ah, the joys of OOP.

If you're a member of the Wonders, Hulks, or Spiders, then use Wonder, Hulk, or Spider instead of Super.

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