KEY: refers to the directory path where the Metaglue software has been extracted refers to the directory containing "bin/javac.exe". On Windows, use Start -> Search -> For files or folders. Enter "javac.exe" as the file name. Pre-Requirements: Java ver. 1.3 A DataBase (ie. Postgress, MySQL, MS Access [comes with Office2K] ) Physical devices require X10 or serial connections Lauriate (speech out only) or Via-Voice (in and out) for speech interaction Java Setup: Install the java package from Sun Microsystems Then copy /java-setup/ to /lib/ and /jre/lib/ Also copy /java-setup/win32.dll to /bin/ and /jre/bin/ Environment Setup: Include in path: \support-files\win32 Include in classpath: \metaglue.jar \jess.jar \playground.jar \support-files\win32\ibmjs\lib\ibmjs.jar Create an environment variable called "DB_CONNECTION" and give the value of the database connection string as jdbc:: (for example: jdbc:odbc:metaglue for using the default local MS Access database or jdbc:mysql://e21/metaglue_pkg?user=metaglue as an example for a MySQL database {This specific address is used for internal lab access only}) Metaglue Setup: 1) java util.BuildDatabase 2) What kind of DB? MS Access --> ODBC (enter: "ODBC") What name? Give a name or use default. (This would be the third part of the DB_CONNECTION environment variable) Where to put DB? Choose path for DB ending in a <*.mdb> file name. [this path will be in the instructions for step #3] 3) Follow DBMS instructions (give name from above when entering Database source) [find path from step #2] Starting Agents: To start any agent in the system, there must be a catalog running on a known and accessible host. > agent -catalog [-purge] Then any other agent may be started: > agent [qualified agent name] The agent name is actually optional only if you want a computer to be metaglue enabled to act as a remote host. Several agents already have specific, runnable scripts: Catalog: > catalog [-purge] PowerTester: > mgat Lauriate: > start-tts MESS: > messBoot [script(s)] All other agents can be started as above using 'agent ...' In the PowerTester window, type any qualified agent name to start that agent (ie. to begin the start system agent) When starting any agent: 1) These are pop-up windows that ask about attributes that need to be set in the DB for the agent: a) Defrost for Notifier = true b) Use outputSwitcher = false c) Resource Manager Agent = agentland.resource.namer.Namer The Start System: 1) Use the attributes for 'any agent' above 2) There is a choice to use a java web browser or the default web browser for a windows host: a) For a Windows host default browser: i. Use internalBrowser = false ii. Host for agent = b) For the internal java browser: i. Use internalBrowser = true 3) Set remaining attributes: a) Server name = ailab b) Use voice = true/false 4) To query the start system, type a question into the input box to the right of the "Call" button, select the runQuery(String) method from the method box and click "Call" Start System Queries: These take the form of "Tell me about [London, this place, etc.]" "What is the [weather, population, etc.] in [here, Boston, Sydney, etc]" "Show me a [picture, map] of [a ship, Turkey, etc.]" Submitting bugs: login or add an account as a new user Select "submit new Bug report"