(Non)identity within a Paradigm:
Reference to phonological form, or morphosyntactic features?

A workshop at MIT as part of Independent Activities Period
January 5-7, 2004: Room 2-105

(Information on where the room is)
Organizers: Asaf Bachrach, Andrew Nevins, Donca Steriade
To bring together research on the phonological and morphological bases of (inter/intra-) paradigm (non-)identity effects, with perspectives from distributed morphology, optimality theory, and mixes thereof.

Each session includes: 40 minutes presentation, 10 minutes response by the discussant, 5 minutes of response by the presenters, 10 minutes for open questions, and 5 minutes break.

Monday January 5
12:45 pm-1:10: Opening Remarks and General Introduction: A. Bachrach & A. Nevins
1:15-2:30: Session One: Seth Cable "Phonological Noun-Verb Dissimilarities in Optimal Paradigms" Discussant: J. Bobaljik.
Cable's Handout (pdf) / Bobaljik's Comments (pdf)
2:30-3:45: Session Two: Michael Kenstowicz: "Paradigmatic Contrast: An Example from Arabic" Discussant: A. Bachrach
3:45-4:15: Coffee Break
4:15-5:30 Session Three: Jim Harris: "Roving Plural Inflections in Spanish" Discussant: A. Nevins
5:30-6:00 General Discussion. Mediator: A. Marantz

Tuesday January 6
9:00am-10:15 Session Four: Arto Anttila: "Alternatives to Paradigm Constraints" Discussant: M. Wagner (powerpoint slides)
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00pm Session Five: Jochen Trommer: ""A Feature-Geometric Approach to Amharic Verb Classes" Discussant: M. Abrusan
12:00-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Session Six: Adam Albright: ""Inflectional Paradigms have Bases Too: Arguments from Yiddish" Discussant: J. Trommer
2:30-3:45 Session Seven: Tamina Stephenson: Anti-homophony and Optimal Paradigms in the Spanish present subjunctive Discussant: J. Fitzpatrick
3:45-4:15 Coffee Break
4:15-5:30 Session Eight: Feng-Fan Hsieh: Feature-specific paradigmatic correspondence and anti-homophony in the Jingpo Inflectional Complex Discussant: A. Nevins
5:30-6:00 General Discussion. Mediator: D. Steriade

Wednesday January 7
9:00am-10:15 Session Nine: Iris Berent
:"Does a theory of language need a grammar? Evidence from the constraint on identical root consonants in Hebrew" Discussant: P. Anand
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-12:00pm Session Ten: Peter Svenonius:"Derivation of root forms: What Saami morphology tells us about paradigm generation" Discussant: D. Steriade
12:00-1:15 Lunch
1:15-2:30 Session Eleven: John Bailyn and Andrew Nevins: "Russian Genitive Plurals are Impostors" Discussant: S. Cable
Bailyn & Nevins' handout (pdf) / Cable's Comments (doc)
2:30-3:45 Session Twelve: Andrea Calabrese: "Morphological Features, Markedness, and Exponents" Discussant: V. Manfredi
3:45-4:15 Coffee Break
4:15-5:30 Session Thirteen: Jonathan Bobaljik: "Paradigms, Optimal and Otherwise: A case for skepticism" Discussant: M. Kenstowicz
Bobaljik's handout (pdf)
5:30-6:00 General Discussion. Mediator: M. Halle

Note: If you can't make it, despair not! Many of the handouts and papers will be available on the nascent online Distributed Morphology Archive.

Here are some PDFs of Relevant Research Papers Germane to All of the Discussion

Notes: There is no registration fee.
Lunch will not be provided, but the student center (replete with a creperie) will be open.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to email: anevins "at" mit "dot" edu