(use goo)

;; Er, so this is supposed to be a slightly larger example of how you can do
;;  things in Goo.  Please ignore obvious flaws in the object model and rep
;;  exposure.  For example, the model assumes customers belong to at most one
;;  bank, along with other things.

;; ----- Define Classes -----

(dc <bank> (<any>))
 (dp name (<bank> => <str>))
 (dp customers (<bank> => <col>) (vec)) ;; A vector of customers, although a map might be more useful.

(dc <customer> (<any>))
 (dp accounts (<customer> => <col>) (vec))
 (dp first-name (<customer> => <str>))
 (dp last-name (<customer> => <str>))

(dc <account> (<any>))
 (dp balance (<account> => <int>) 0) ;; The balance should start at 0!

(dc <checking-account> (<account>))
(dc <savings-account> (<account>))

(dv *minimum-balance* 100) ;; 100 Smackers, or you're in trouble.
(dv *minimum-balance-for-no-fee* 1000)
(dv *monthly-fee* 10)
(dv *monthly-interest* 0.02)

;; ----- Methods -----

;; --- Account Methods

(dm credit (account|<account> amount|<int>)
  ;; Fancy syntax
  (opf (balance account) (+ _ amount))
  ;; Can also be written as: 
  ;;   (set (balance account) (+ (balance account) amount))

(dm debit (account|<account> amount|<int> => <log>)
  (opf (balance account) (- _ amount))

;; See if a debit will succeed, potentially including extended logic.
;;  (Eg, overdraft protection, auto-transfers, etc.)
(dm can-handle-debit? (account|<account> amount|<int> => <log>)
  ;; Er, don't check if they meet minimum balance though... just 0 as low end.
  (>= (balance account) amount))

(dm transfer (from-account|<account> to-account|<account> amount|<int> => <log>)
  (when (and (> amount 0)
             (can-handle-debit? from-account amount))
    (debit from-account amount)
    (credit to-account amount)))

(dm charge-monthly-fee (account|<account>)
  (when (< (balance account) *minimum-balance-for-no-fee*)
    (debit account *monthly-fee*)))

;; By default, all accounts earn interest
(dm earn-interest (account|<account>)
  (credit account (floor (* (balance account) *monthly-interest*))))

;; But checking accounts don't earn interest. Muahahaha!
(dm earn-interest (account|<checking-account>)
  ;; Do nothing

(dm to-str (account|<account> => <str>)
  (cat (if (isa? account <checking-account>)
           "Checking "
           "Savings ")
       "Account: "
       (to-str (balance account))))

;; --- Customer Methods

(dm new-customer (first-name|<str> last-name|<str> => <customer>)
  (def customer (new <customer>))
  ;; We don't have to worry about binding masking here because the setter names
  ;;  are transformed into first-name-setter, last-name-setter, etc.
  (set (first-name customer) first-name)
  (set (last-name customer) last-name)
  ;; Note that there is an alternative syntax where we specify the property
  ;;  names and values in the 'new' clause, but the specific syntax for that
  ;;  may change sometime soon (relative to the writing of this file), so 
  ;;  I'm avoiding it.

  ;; Don't forget to return the customer!

;; Find a customer using a user-specified propery-getter, ex: first-name or
;;  last-name.  
;; The t? syntax indicates that the return type is either <customer> or #f.
(dm find-customer (customer-list|<col> prop-getter match-val|<any> => (t? <customer>))
  (esc found-it
    (do (fun (current-customer)
          (when (= (prop-getter current-customer) match-val)
            (found-it current-customer)))

(dm to-str (customer|<customer> => <str>)
  (def cat-pair-with-newline (fun (str1 str2)
                               (cat str1 "\n" str2)))
  (def prepend-spaces (fun (str)
                        (cat "  " str)))
  (cat (last-name customer)
       ", "
       (first-name customer)
       ;; Some list-fun worthy of scheme:
       ;;  - First, map over the list of accounts applying to-str, resulting in a list of strings
       ;;  - Next, map over the strings with prepend-spaces, returning a new list of strings
       ;;  - Finally, use fold+ to concatenate all the strings together (with newlines)
       ;;   (fold+ operates like accumulate in SICP... (func z (func y (func w x))) for (w x y z))
       (fold+ cat-pair-with-newline (map prepend-spaces (map to-str (accounts customer))))))

;; --- Bank Methods
(dm new-bank (bank-name|<str> => <bank>)
  (def bank (new <bank>))
  (set (name bank) bank-name)

(dm get-all-accounts (bank|<bank> => <col>)
  (def all-accounts-in-list-of-lists-form (map accounts (customers bank)))
  (def all-accounts-flat (fold+ cat all-accounts-in-list-of-lists-form))


(dm charge-monthly-fees (bank|<bank>)
  (do charge-monthly-fee
      (get-all-accounts bank)))

(dm earn-monthly-interest (bank|<bank>)
  (do earn-interest
      (get-all-accounts bank)))

(dm add-customer (bank|<bank> customer|<customer>)
  (add! (customers bank) customer))

(dm new-customer-account (bank|<bank> customer|<customer> type|(t< <account>) => (t? <account>))
  ;; The customer must actually be a customer of the bank
  (when (mem? (customers bank) customer)
    (def account (new type))
    (add! (accounts customer) account)

(dm to-str (bank|<bank>)
  (def cat-pair-with-newline (fun (str1 str2)
                               (cat str1 "\n" str2)))

  (cat (name bank)
       (fold+ cat-pair-with-newline (map to-str (customers bank)))))

;; --- Demonstration Methods
;; (Actually do something)

(df do-banking-stuff ()
  ;; Create the bank
  (def bank (new-bank "Charges'r'us"))
  ;; Create the customers
  (def alice (new-customer "Alice" "Hax0r"))
  (def ben   (new-customer "Ben"   "Bitdiddle"))
  (def beef  (new-customer "0x"    "deadbeef"))

  (add-customer bank alice)
  (add-customer bank ben)
  (add-customer bank beef)

  ;; Create the accounts
  (def alice-savings  (new-customer-account bank alice <savings-account>))
  (def alice-checking (new-customer-account bank alice <checking-account>))
  (def ben-savings  (new-customer-account bank ben <savings-account>))
  (def ben-checking (new-customer-account bank ben <checking-account>))

  (def beef-savings  (new-customer-account bank beef <savings-account>))
  (def beef-checking (new-customer-account bank beef <checking-account>))

  ;; Payday!
  (credit alice-savings 100) ;; ouch, being an RA sure sucks!
  (credit ben-savings 10000) ;; hooray for industry!
  (credit beef-savings 20)   ;; the lunch-money stealing racket ain't what it used to be

  ;; Put some money in your checking accounts you fools!
  (transfer alice-savings alice-checking 40)
  (transfer ben-savings ben-checking 1000)
  (transfer beef-savings beef-checking 10)

  ;; Always take before giving! It's the american way!
  (charge-monthly-fees bank)
  (earn-monthly-interest bank)

  ;; Print out the way things be.
  (msg out "%s\n" (to-str bank)))
