Assignment Three. Due Thursday, Mar. 1, 2001, by start of class. Add generic / method support to your metacircular interpreter from assignment 2. In particular, add the DM and DG special forms and write generic function multimethod dispatch. The basic idea is to intercept interpretive calls to generics and to select the most applicable method and then call it. Interpretive calls to methods should behave exactly as before. You should make use of function introspection functions (along with any other proto functions): fun-specs, fun-arity, and fun-mets which give the specializers of a function, the number of required arguments, and a generic's methods respectively. You should also make use of the type relationship of functions: (dv (isa )) (dv (isa )) (dv (isa )) which you can exploit for type discrimination using isa? and method specializers. N.B., you can not use the proto function sorted-app-mets in your solution. In terms of implementing DG, use the fab-gen function: fab-gen ((specs ) (nary? ) (mets ) => ) The special form DM a bit challenging to write as it creates generics on demand. It requires that you can query whether a global binding is bound. Fortunately, Proto provides the bound? ((x ) => ) special form to do just that. The basic sketch would then be: first, determine whether the binding corresponding to the name of the method/generic (from the DM form) is bound (and a generic) and if so if the method is congruent to the bound generic and otherwise create a new congruent generic using the method as a template and second, add the method to the congruent generic. A method is considered congruent to a generic when they have the same arity, the same nary?'ness, and when all method specializers are isa? to their generic specializer counterparts. You should error on methods being incongruent to their generic's using a call to error with an appropriate message. Once you have a congruent generic then you can use the builtin: gen-add-met ((g ) (m ) => ) to add the method to the generic. The basic Method selection sketch is to find all applicable methods for a given argument list, sort them, and then call the most applicable method. Your method selection code should call error (with a suitable message) in the cases of no applicable methods and ambiguous methods. It should also prioritize "singleton" over "class" specializers (e.g., a specializer = 1 has priority over a specializer = ). You should add the following primitive methods to your base environment for better introspection: elt, len, fun-mets, fun-arity, fun-nary?, and fun-specs. Your new interpreter should now be able to match the following input/output pairs: (dm simple ((x )) (+ x 1)) => #f (dm simple ((x )) x) => #f (len (fun-mets simple)) => 2 (simple 1) => 2 (simple 1.0) => 1.0 (simple '()) => NO-APPLICABLE-METHODS ERROR (dg explicit-gen (x)) => #f (dm explicit-gen ((x )) (simple x)) => #f (g 1) => 2 (dm inheritance ((x )) (simple x)) => #f (dm inheritance ((x )) 0) => #f (inheritance 1) => 0 (inheritance 1.0) => 1.0 (dm singleton ((x )) (simple x)) => #f (dm singleton ((x 1)) 0) => #f (singleton 0) => 1 (singleton 1) => 0 (dg incongruent-gen (x y)) => #f (dm incongruent-gen (x) x) => INCONGRUENCE ERROR (dm binary ((x ) (y )) (+ x y)) => #f (dm binary ((x ) (y )) x) => #f (binary 1 1) => 2 (binary 1.0 2.0) => 1.0 (binary 1.0 1) => NO-APPLICABLE-METHODS ERROR (dm g2 ((x ) (y )) x) => #f (dm g2 ((x ) (y )) x) => #f (g2 1 2) => AMBIGUOUS-METHODS ERROR As per usual, feel free to ask questions by email at or by stopping by our office: AI Lab (NE-43) room 802. Also, please report bugs and keep checking the web site: for new versions of Proto and its documentation as we fix bugs and fill out the documentation. This assignment is due Thursday 01MAR01 before class. Please email it to us at: