Harvard Square is one of the most popular, and most interesting places in Cambridge. The area is filled with culture, history, and diversity. The famous Harvard University (sorry, you cannot park your car in Harvard Yard), the Cambridge Commons, and the spot where Washington took command of the patriot forces are just a few of the historic sights filling the area, and attracting several tourists in search of early American History. While the tourists wander about local folks search for a perfect outfit, a popular CD, or a quiet spot and a good snack. Harvard Square is always teeming with Cambridge's younger generation. From graduate to undergrad, seniors to freshmen, various youths find Harvard Square one of the best places to spend time with friends, and meet new people. However, there are still various different characters occupying Harvard Square's vicinity. Within the many small shops, and local restaurants, the people become as diverse as the clothing sold, and the food served. Harvard Square is filled with bookstores, small boutiques, and a multitude of local musicians that supply Harvard Square with music all day long, while the areas clubs, and taverns provide entertainment throughout the night.

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Eric Loeb (loeb@psyche.mit.edu), Audrey King (ayking@athena.mit.edu)

Intelligent Information Infrastructure Project

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Last updated on July 12, 1994