Raissa M. D'Souza MIT Dept of Physics Cambridge, MA 02139 International Journal of Modern Physics C World Scientific Publishing Co. Dear Referee, I appreciate your comments on the manuscript "Anomalies in simulations of nearest neighbor ballistic deposition". Since the time of the original submission of the manuscript, I have implemented the identical computer code, using a second pseudo random number generator (PRNG). I believe this should address some of your comments, and provide strong evidence of coupling between the BD and PRNG algorithms. Essentially, implementation with a second PRNG yields statistically distinct results, both for the scaling exponents themselves and for measured, average quantities. In addition, the reported systematic decrease was not observed for the implementation with the second PRNG, but fluctuations, outside of statistical error, were observed (for the identical system, run with the identical code). Hence a different dynamics was observed for the implementation with a second PRNG, showing the dynamics is not inherent to the BD model itself. Note that the identical code was used for the BD simulations with both PRNGs and also for the RD simulations (which agree with theory out to the longest times simulated, for the PRNG which produced anomalous results for BD). It is reasonable that BD is more sensitive to correlations in PRNs than standard Monte Carlo (MC) algorithms. In standard MC, comparison to the Boltzmann probability causes rejection of some numbers in a PRN sequence. In BD all the PRNs produced are used and used in the order they are produced. Note that is restricted models of growth, where physical constraints cause rejection of PRNs, the theoretically predicted scaling exponents are recovered with great precision in numerical simulations. With respect to your contention that both the short time and asymptotic time exponents would be affected by correlated noise, it should be noted that the alleged anti-correlation results from a coupling of BD to PRNG algorithm. One would expect that the effects of coupling would take some time to accumulate. The above points have been incorporated in the manuscript. I would very much appreciate if you would take the time to reevaluate this manuscript, in light of the above issues. Sincerely, Raissa M. D'Souza raissa@mit.edu