Variable Viewpoint Reality


Proposal for 1999-2000 Funding

Paul Viola and Eric Grimson



We have made rapid progress on a number of problems related to the goals of the Variable Viewpoint Reality project:

Each of these algorithms is in its very earliest stages. We are exploring these algorithms now: constructing implementations, testing assumptions, etc.

We believe that we have begun to make rapid progress in a number of related areas. In order to continue at this pace, and more importantly in order to build a more reliable and usable system, I would like to request a moderate increase of funding. With this support we will hire an engineer who would be responsible for software and hardware engineering. This would allow for a more rapid transition between research advances and working systems.

Timeline for the future of the VVR project:

August 1999:

Demonstrate real-time 3D reconstruction and visualization from 12 cameras distributed around an indoor 3 meter cube. This space will be large enough for a single person to move and take actions. (We believe that this system is the first step along the way toward a more general purpose, larger scale system.)

December 1999:

We will extend the August system to include additional functionality:



Summer 2000:

Demonstrate real-time 3D reconstruction from 20-30 cameras around a larger area (approximately 10 meter). In addition to its larger scale, this system will provide a number of additional facilities:

(At this point the NTT sponsored portion of the VVR project may come to an end. We would hope to continue, perhaps at a larger scale, with additional graduate students and additional hardware.)

Summer 2001:

Demonstrate a large scale system which would include additional cameras and additional capabilities. Much of the effort in this year will focus on integration of the above mentioned capabilities. Our research emphasis will shift toward the interpretation of action.

Summer 2002:

Demonstrate an outdoor system operating at an actual sporting event. I must emphasize that the main difficulty in achieving outdoor operation is engineering and cost. The current level of funding for this project allows me to support 3 students and to purchase a modest amount of computer hardware. To move this system outside would require the intervention of a number of skilled engineers and additional hardware. NTT could be helpful in both of these areas.