Image Database Retrieval


Proposal for 1999-2000 Funding

Paul Viola



We have made progress on several problems related to the core goals of the Image Database retrieval problems:

We believe that this approach is actually quite general and will allow us to detect more complex patterns, such as the appearance of the human body. This problem is very hard because of the variety of poses that the human body can assume. Faces and people are a critical aspect of image databases.

We have created a mechanism of computing features of this type called "Complex Features". A retrieval system based on this insight works much better than previous systems. The algorithms for constructed this feature set, and the query system itself, is computationally efficient.

We have constructed a system that can automatically interpret mathematical expressions in such documents. This provides a new mechanism for searching technical documents. Based on the same ideas we have built an interactive handwritten mathematical expression recognizer. The system provides a friendly and intuitive interface for the entry of mathematical expressions.

Future work on Image Databases

Summer 1999

December 1999

Summer 2000