
Developments and LUV 95

1. There will be a four hour tutorial at the Lisp Users and Vendors conference
on August 16th on The Common Lisp Web Server and related web programming.
There will be a section in which various interesting  applications of CL-HTTP
are reviewed and demonstrated.

If you have an application of CL-HTTP or a lisp hack for the web
that you think others might be interested in, please submit a 1 or 2
paragraph abstract stating:

        * what the application does;

        * Why CL-HTTP was needed or relevant.

Applications which are selected we receive 10-15 minutes for presentation
during the applications section of the tutorial at LUV on August 16th, between
8am and 12noon.

Abstracts will need to be sent to bug-cl-http@research.ai.mit.edu
by August 1 for consideration. Notification will be by August 7th.

2.  A port of CL-HTTP to Allegro Common Lisp running under UNIX has
made it to the alpha releaes stage and will be available on the FTP site
next week. Questions and bugs should got to bug-acl-cl-http@wilson.ai.mit.edu

2. There will soon be an alpha release of a port of CL-HTTP to Allegro
Common Lisp under UNIX, probably next week.  It will be announced here
and available from the FTP site. Bugs etc will go to