
Re: hardware requirements for CL-HTTP

>At 1:51 Uhr 30.08.1995, Dennis G. Allard wrote:
>>Dear People,
>>How much RAM does CL-HTTP require when compiled as a runtime
>>on any of the Mac, Unix, or PC platforms.  Is any data about
>>this available on the net?
>It's a little hard to answer that question, since you load CL-HTTP into
>a lisp environment which is usually of a substantial size.
>I regularly run the server in an MCL image of under 8 megabytes on my 12 megabyte Duo.  That image starts off with about 4 megabytes of free space.
>Loading CL-HTTP and the sample served hierarchy reduces that by about
>2.5 megabytes.  I have a lot of debugging stuff turned on, turning that off
>would pare things down a bit.   Any additional URL's you export increase
>the space used.
>I don't have any information on other implementations...

(Lisp means MCL in the following text ;-) )

I would like to build a application only version of the MCL-based
CL-HTTP. I wrote some simple menu stuff. We will have to have some
dialogs for setting basic preferences. John has some code for
defining preferences declaratively. It would be nice to generate
the dialog out of these descriptions.

More complicated configurations should be done portably through
a WWW interface (using the new authentication stuff).

I still have some problems with the application stuff in
MCL (not using the application generator - I'll order it later this
week). My application image starts with "trap not available error".
I have to investigate it next weekend.

My development MCL 3.0 image for CL-HTTP is 3.8 MB on disk.

For an application you might want to do some of the following things
before compiling CL-HTTP using MCL:

;;; optimization

(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
; or (debug 0)
; or (space 3)

;;; variables

; evaluate
(setf *save-definitions* nil)
(setf *save-doc-strings* nil)
(setf *save-local-symbols* nil)
(setf *record-source-file* nil)

; fasl
(setf *fasl-save-definitions* nil)
(setf *fasl-save-doc-strings* nil)
(setf *fasl-save-local-symbols* nil)

;;; memory

(purge-functions nil)
(egc t)

You also may want to preserve CLOS caches when saving an image.
Additional (I have no experience on doing this) it could be necessary
to set certain memory size parameters (this may have to be based
on usage experience) if you want to avoid GZ (grow zone) GCs.

The application generator available from Digitool may 
make the image smaller by some 300-500 KB by removing
some not necessary stuff.

All in all I think we can get very low with MCL. My guess would
be something <= 2.5 MB on disk. I'll have to prove it next weekend.

Greetings from Hamburg,

Rainer Joswig

Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/, Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522