
Mac CL-HTTP Interface Programmers?


it is about time to have an administration interface for CL-HTTP
on the Mac.

Things to do:

- Menus
- Preference Dialog
- Exporting URLs
- Log windows
- Status window
- Standalone Application

Karsten Poeck already has stated his interest in contributing. Who
else would like to join? We may need one or two additional
people who would like to help.

This would also allow that a MCL-based CL-HTTP can be distributed
as a freely available standalone application.


Rainer Joswig

Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/, Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522