
Server QUERY_STRING limit for NASA EOS

I'm a contractor working on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS)
project at Hughes.

We are about to issue an RFP leading to the near term procurement 
of multiple copies of a WWW server.

We would greatly appreciate a response to the following preliminary
question by *** Thursday, Oct. 5th. ***

We have the need for very large QUERY_STRINGs to access a WAIS database.
We could not find a specific limit of QUERY_STRING in the HTTP spec, but
experimentation with version 1.4 of the NCSA httpd server showed that it
could support about a 7.5 KB QUERY_STRING. A source code search yielded
an URL limit of 8 KB.

What is the maximum length of the QUERY_STRING supported by your server?
This may be defined in terms of the maximum length of an URL.

Thank you in advance for your quick response.

- Ken Sall        (temporarily on EOS: ksall@eos.hitc.com)
- Ken Sall                             ksall@cen.com
- Motif FAQ maintainer                 ftp://ftp.cen.com/pub/Motif-FAQ
- MW3: Motif on the World Wide Web     http://www.cen.com/mw3/
- Century Computing, Inc.              http://www.cen.com/