
More on using MCL and cl-http on a 9500

I have been testing it all day and have some more observations.

Normally, I run with a LOT of data.  Enough that with 30MB allocated
(haven't checked the heap size) I run out.  Currently I have 60MB
allocated to the application.

WHen I load in the small "demo" version of the data, things work fine
and I haven't been able to crash it.

When I load in all my data, it crashes after several http hits.  I've
tried it with 1 listener and with 5.  I get no indication of a failure
before it crashes, no indication of GC.

The client is running on a separate machine (netscape 1.1).  After the
crash it will imediately return a "connection refused" error.

I'm also wondering if there's any way to check the physical memory.
I've got one of the 64MB Drams in there....


Christopher Welty                         Vassar College Computer Science Dept.
weltyc@cs.vassar.edu                                     Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
http://www.cs.vassar.edu/faculty/welty                           (914) 437-5992
