
Re: Java / Java on the Mac in January / JavaScript

On Sat, 2 Dec 1995, John C. Mallery wrote:

> I have an invertible graph representation which does analogous things at
> the semantic level (rather than ain syntax) in components like a reference 
> system, a graph walker + derivatives that answer questions, generate 
> sentences, and display semantic structures.

Would it tailor answers to people's questions based on the meaning that 
those people attributed to the words in the question?

> >> the useful thing about it is that you can tell the client what to do.  A 
> >> Scheme or Lisp plug-in to Netscape on all platforms would be a better 
> >> target, but you work with what everyone has got.
> people are thinking about that one. It's a good idea.

Hey, you wrote this. You are meta-commenting. Commenting on your comment. :)

Nice chatting with you,

Andrew Moreno
