
Re: Java / Java on the Mac in January / JavaScript

At 12:11 AM 12/2/95, Andrew Moreno wrote:
>On Fri, 1 Dec 1995, John C. Mallery wrote:

>Can you clarify? No chance that it will be rewritten in Java because you 
>or other's won't do it or because it's impossible to write that system with

Too hard and time consuming to write such a system with such limited tools.
The poverty of tools is an important reason for the decline in implemented
AI research in the last few years.
>The reason I mentioned Katz's work is because I think he's on to 
>something with his "reverse transformations." Does your system use that?

I have an invertible graph representation which does analogous things at
the semantic level (rather than ain syntax) in components like a reference system, a graph walker +
derivatives that answer questions, generate sentences, and display semantic structures.

>CL-HTTP is a 21st century programming environment?

No, it is a server written in lisp.
>> the useful thing about it is that you can tell the client what to do.  A 
>> Scheme or Lisp plug-in to Netscape on all platforms would be a better 
>> target, but you work with what everyone has got.

people are thinking about that one. It's a good idea.
>I saw something about a Scheme project that will let Scheme applets run 
>over the web. Is this connected to the CL-HTTP project?

No, it is work by Olin Shivers and other schemers.
