
Re: cl-http for lispm

>I am using an Ivory Machine under genera 8.3 (the host is a mac2 FX running
>system 7.5).

My configuration. ;-)

> I have tried, using netscape, to retrieve the distribution
>from lispm.reel-1 as mentionned on the cl-http/home-page.html
>Unfortunately, I could not access the document...

Just set up your Lispm for Internet access and use
the "Restore Distribution" command to directly install
from the FTP server. Hey, this is a Lispm!
Additionally you may want to get the sources, which
are containing the examples.

You need to add a "http" entry for your machine in your Namespace.

Load the http system, prepare a configuration file, "Enable
Services". Now you are up and running and can export URLs.
See the examples.

>generally, I would appreciate any advise/information about symbolics
>systems in relation with http or in relation with anything since Symbolics
>inc. seems to have disappeared from our planet

Not completely. See the reference to the Symbolics Museum from John's
link page. Symbolics is alive again.

> and since I am probably one
>of the very few Genera users of the old continent (I do not know any other
>on earth actually...

There are some. ;-)

Actually CL-HTTP runs quite nicely on the Lisp Machine. Too sad,
that the hardware is dead. A Lispm with todays technology
(chips, networking, drives, ...) would burn! A MacIvory 3 processor is
roughly comparable to a 5 MIPS machine.

>alone). If you know something about lisp machines, do you know if there is
>somewhere a concordia-to-html translator?

Someone from Germany was interested in this one, too. It would
be nice to have. Just put 10.000 page Genera documentation online. ;-)
Shouldn't be that hard. 

Greetings from Hamburg,


Rainer Joswig, Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co, Lotharstrasse 2ab, D22041
Hamburg, Tel: +49 40 65808-0, Fax: +49 40 65808-202, Email:joswig@lavielle.com,
WWW: http://www.lavielle.com/~joswig/ , Tel. (priv): +49 40 7355522