
Re: Kanji problems


Thank you for your help.  I need a little time to understand and try your
suggestions, because I don't have enough knowledge/experience in this sort
of technology.

>Hi Kazushi,
>Your plan sounds very interesting.
>I hope this helps get you started.  Let us know how your application
>progresses because we would like
>to povide  default support for character sets beyond the usual iso latin.
>If you send us the code need to
>get your application running, we can review it and see how a
>general-purpose version can be
>incorporated into CL-HTTP.

I am very glad to hear that.  We can never express our sickness condition
with foreign language, therefore supporting Kanji is the most important
interface for my Web based expert system.  If you would like, I can open my
experimental server.


kazushi Minagawa
Nikon Systems, Inc.
8-4-2, Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku,Yokohama-city, Japan