
Problem with powerbook standalone configuration

I'm trying to get my powerbook working with the server in standalone
What i did:

1. Setting MacTCP as described in settings -> correct

1b. Inserting
        Local-Host.Apple-talk.Net A ; AppleTalk operation
(stand alone)
        www.apple-talk.net CNAME Local-Host.Apple-talk.Net   ; canonical name
in my hosts file

2. Load sysdcl.lisp -> correct

3. load apple-talk-configuration.lisp -> correct

4. loading exports.lisp as an example ->
        error: not an integer string : " local-host.local-talk.net"
        while executing:       PARSE-INTEGER

Seems like the domain name isn't resolved correctly?

Any help appreciated

  Marcus Specht                       Email:  specht@cogpsy.uni-trier.de
  FB I - Psychologie                  Phone:  +49 (0)651 201 2975
  Universitaet Trier                  Fax:    +49 (0)651 201 2955
  Universitaetsring 15
  D-54286 Trier