
CL-HTTP on a 9500

I hope you all can hear this over the noise of the heavenly host.  I
called them in after I got this working and now I can't get them to
shut up.

Some of you may have been following the saga of my attempts to get
CL-HTTP working reliably in conjunction with (in fact, as an interface
to) a very memory-intensive (to put it politely) application (the KR
language Classic) on a PM 9500.

With MCL 3.9 (power PC version), Mac OS 7.5.3 Revision 2 (which was
just released this month), and CL-HTTP 58.12 with the devo xmactcp
package version 1.8.4, IT WORKS.  There are a few bugs, bugs which
used to crash my mac and now just pop up a new listener window (so
that I can actually debug in LISP), but it has been running well, been
up for a week under moderate load.   Every second is a new record.


Christopher Welty                         Vassar College Computer Science Dept.
weltyc@cs.vassar.edu                                     Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
http://www.cs.vassar.edu/faculty/welty                           (914) 437-5992
